result count: 6

SC_421496_0[111492|Nanbo Sathkur] wants me to come get a [200945|Master Key].
Sys421496_nameThe Unlocking
Sys421496_szquest_accept_detailDamn, this chest is locked!\n\nWe have to be patient, No. 7. I want you to get a [203117|Master Key] from [111496|Yan Heymal]. I must open this chest.
Sys421496_szquest_complete_detailOk, let's open up this chest!\n\nA wine glass? An iron key? A Whitefur scarf? And a notepad, let me see, it says... "Yazmin Caravan"?\n\nBy the gods, this isn't the treasure my ancestor left behind. This is just junk that the Yazmin Caravan left behind!\n\nThose Weed-eating Fish actually believe that these useless trinkets are worth something! And even regarded them as treasure! I think I'm getting a bit dizzy... Oh well, seems like we're back to square one.\n\nJunior Treasurehunt Squad Member No. 7, I'm terribly sorry for wasting so much of your time. If there's anything you fancy that the caravan left behind, it's yours.\n\nI'll have to start all over again now. Where could this treasure be...
Sys421496_szquest_descGet a [203117|Master Key] from [111496|Yan Heymal], and then give it to [111492|Nanbo Sathkur].
Sys421496_szquest_uncomplete_detailTreasure... treasure... finally got the treasure...