result count: 5

Sys421545_nameCouncil's Request
Sys421545_szquest_accept_detailThis is a book of this council meeting's records. Please deliver the Eye of Wisdom's [203375|Task List] quickly. It needs to go to [111660|Salond], the secretary general of the Eye of Wisdom. He will know what to do.
Sys421545_szquest_complete_detailOh... another one. Hopefully one day we won't need to have so many meetings.
Sys421545_szquest_descTake [203375|Task List] to [111660|Salond] for [110175|Berol].
Sys421545_szquest_uncomplete_detailEven though council president [110175|Berol] is known for his fairness. I fear he may not be able to withstand the pressure.