result count: 4

Sys421546_nameAssist the Guard of Varanas
Sys421546_szquest_accept_detailHopefully you understand by now that we are extremely busy with our research and do not have time to deal with anything else.\n\nIt seems that everyone is pushing responsibility for the safety of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] onto us. I have a letter here from the Guard of Varanas asking us to send help. I think that you are a pure-hearted and generous adventurer. If you are not too busy, would you mind lending a hand?
Sys421546_szquest_complete_detailJust one adventurer?\n\nMy letter clearly stated that this was a very critical problem! Why can't they send a party of high-level mages? What am I going to do with you?
Sys421546_szquest_descHelp [111670|Oreng] of Guard of Varanas in place of the Eye of Wisdom.