result count: 5

Sys421562_nameProtect Fiss Gordon
Sys421562_szquest_accept_detailFrom what I have heard, Holly's father, [111745|Fiss Gordon], has obtained some important information and is now being hunted by the men of Zurhidon.\n\nI'm concerned for his safety. Go find Holly and give her this Magic Stone. It has the power to summon a bodyguard. Have her give them to her father. We must protect those that have served the Eye of Wisdom.
Sys421562_szquest_complete_detailThe Eye of Wisdom wants to give us this Protection Stone? I don't like magic, but being in the situation that we are in, I will take it.
Sys421562_szquest_descTake [203391|Guardian Summoning Stone] to [111699|Holly Gordon].
Sys421562_szquest_uncomplete_detailAnything I can help you with?