result count: 8

SC_421570_1Because you have Narfas' Ornament, the Water Spirit Envoy senses the essence around you.
SC_421570_2You do not have the right item to call the Water Spirit Envoy!!
SC_421570_3You have been blessed by the gods.
Sys421570_nameEno's Test
Sys421570_szquest_accept_detailI could help you... but you must have approval from the gods...\n\nIt is very simple, just prove that you are pure, and the gods will favor you. Only then can I help you.\n\nGo to that bridge spanning the river and use [203407|Stone of Water] on [111751|Water Spirit Totem] to summon the [111752|Water Spirit Envoy]. Get its approval and then come back to me.
Sys421570_szquest_complete_detailSince you have been blessed, I will do all in my power to help you.
Sys421570_szquest_descGo to the Wood Bridge and call the [111752|Water Spirit Envoy] from [111751|Water Spirit Totem] and gain favor.
Sys421570_szquest_uncomplete_detailPeace and harmony exists throughout this land. The gods have created balance and protect the balance with their might.