result count: 10

SC_421571Through the water spirits power, you recall the memories left here by the divine envoy.
SC_421571_1Long ago, some used the power of the runes to modify themselves in order to gain power. These modified ones later became what we known as demons.
SC_421571_2Soon after, the world entered an era ruled by these demons, who began to fight and subjugate each other on a grand scale.
SC_421571_3But the king of the humans, Kalume, led a counter offensive against the demons from the northern continent, and saved many from the persecution of the demons.
SC_421571_4But then with the appearance of the Bloodlord wielding the Eulogy of Blood, hope faded for the king's army...
Sys421571_nameSpirit Compass
Sys421571_szquest_accept_detailThe manuscript you have brought is nothing new to me. Commander [110317|Lajos Halka] brought this same manuscript to me a long time ago. But the one I have translated for him was only the first half.\n\nMaybe it is the will of the gods that you find the second half. But in here it only records the history of the demons' war against the humans and nothing about the legendary sword.\n\nDo not give up now, adventurer. Here is a compass that can see into your heart and point out the direction of the item. However, this compass is very old and has nearly lost all its powers. We must give it power before we can use it.\n\nThe first thing we need is [203408|Strength of the Water Spirit] from [111752|Water Spirit Envoy] at the Lake of Eternal Silence. Go to the altar and pray for power to the Divinity of Spring Water.
Sys421571_szquest_complete_detailIs that what happened...\n\nI am happy that you are so blessed by the gods, adventurer.
Sys421571_szquest_descGo to the [110246|Ancient Altar] at the center of [ZONE_LAKE STILLA|Lake of Eternal Silence] and get [203408|Strength of the Water Spirit] from [111752|Water Spirit Envoy].
Sys421571_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find the power of the Water God?