result count: 5

Sys421604_nameInfiltrating Zurhidon
Sys421604_szquest_accept_detailAccording to the information from the Eye of Wisdom, the Zurhidon are having a secret meeting in the Obsidian Stronghold. Use their clothing as a disguise and sneak in to find information about the legendary sword, the Eulogy of Blood.\n\nThey are holding their meeting in a house in the Lower Eastern part of the Obsidian Stronghold.
Sys421604_szquest_complete_detailIt seem like the Eulogy of Blood was not sealed away with its previous owner, Androth...\n\nThis is an important piece of information. It means that the Eulogy of Blood is somewhere we will be able to find and access.
Sys421604_szquest_descSneak into the Zurhidon meeting. Gather any information about the Legendary Sword, and return to [110317|Lajos Halka].
Sys421604_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you hear anything at the Zurhidon meeting?