result count: 5

Sys421684_nameThe Black Mary's Ship Log
Sys421684_szquest_accept_detailHey, adventurer, have you ever dreamed of being a pirate, exploring the vast ocean, and becoming a world-renowned "pirate king?"\n\nIf you've heard about the Blake family's deeds, I'm sure you're deeply attracted to those pirate stories like I am.\n\nI've always adored the Blake family, and I don't want to miss any traces of them. If you see their ghost ship, the Black Mary, in [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Treasure Trove], please help me find the [203617|Black Mary's Ship Log]. It must contain a record of their astonishing adventures...
Sys421684_szquest_complete_detailI'm not dreaming!\n\nThis really is the [203617|Black Mary's Ship Log]; I've finally got it.
Sys421684_szquest_descFind the [203617|Black Mary's Ship Log] from the Black Mary in [ZONE_DGN_THE_TREASURE_TROVE|Treasure Trove], and bring it back to [112121|Morgan Chadwick] in the [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress].
Sys421684_szquest_uncomplete_detailEveryone should take advantage of their youth and go on an unforgettable adventure.