result count: 5

Sys421694_nameSand Scorpion Neep
Sys421694_szquest_accept_detail[112124|Los'hudanel] is always bragging about the number of men and monsters he's killed, but there's an animal on the [ZONE_SANDSCORPION PLAINS|Sand Scorpion Plains] that he could never kill, no matter how hard he tried - [101541|Neep]. \n\nEven I can't kill the gigantic Sand Scorpion, but I have a good idea how you might. Take the [203624|Bag of Giant Wolf Excrement] to the [ZONE_SANDSCORPION PLAINS|Sand Scorpion Plains] and when you find [101541|Neep's] tracks, smear [203623|Giant Wolf Excrement] all over your body. I expect the stench will briefly knock it out.\n\nWhile [101541|Neep] is still reeling butcher him and bring back his tail. I can't wait to see [112124|Los'hudanel's] face!
Sys421694_szquest_complete_detailAck?! You smell worse than a pirate?!\nI really want to give you double-thumbs up, but I'm too busy holding my nose...
Sys421694_szquest_descTake the [203624|Bag of Giant Wolf Excrement] to the [ZONE_SANDSCORPION PLAINS|Sand Scorpion Plains], wipe the excrement on your body, butcher [101541|Neep] while he's still reeling from the smell and then bring his [203625|Tail] back to [112126|Nauseating Lanait].
Sys421694_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhen [112124|Los'hudanel] sees someone's killed [101541|Neep], he'll squeal so high only puppies will hear him...