result count: 5

Sys421704_nameMystery Juice
Sys421704_szquest_accept_detailA curse! That's not a bad idea! If anyone betrays me I'll curse their sodden hide...!\n\nHow about this - let's assemble the components of a curse. I think you're really going to like this. First, let me think.. take this [203654|Dry Demon Weed Juice Extractor] outside. Kill a [100603|Dry Demon Weed], then use the Extractor on its dead body. Extract 6 bottles of [203655|Dry Demon Weed Juice] and bring them back to me.
Sys421704_szquest_complete_detailExcellent, excellent, the first stage is complete.\n\n(a gruesome smile distorts [112127|Treacherous Masheg's] mouth).
Sys421704_szquest_descAfter killing a [100603|Dry Demon Weed] use the [203654|Extractor] on its dead body, then take 6 bottles of [203655|Juice] back to [112127|Treacherous Masheg].
Sys421704_szquest_uncomplete_detailOf course not every friend will betray you, but if your friend happens to be a pirate, then with these curse components you'll always be prepared...