result count: 5

Sys421712_nameFoul-mouthed Cudder
Sys421712_szquest_accept_detailMeself, [112125|Lame Aysus], [112126|Nauseating Lanait] and [112127|Treacherous Masheg] have never been able to resolve which among us is the most amazing, so we've decided to let the terrifying Shadowmoon Pirates judge- whichever of us most amazes them will be the winner.\n\nI think being direct is often best. My plan is to go to [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove], kill [101579|Foul-mouthed Cudder] and bring back his skull. Obviously, I'd be able to do it with one arm tied behind my back.. so I'm going to set this as your final challenge. \n\nDon't forget, you once thumbed your nose at my murderous talents. If [101579|Foul-mouthed Cudder] kills you, maybe you'll admit your mistake.\n\nRecommended for 3 players.
Sys421712_szquest_complete_detailWow! [101579|Foul-mouthed Cudder's] mouth really stinks! I'm going to show everybody!
Sys421712_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove], kill [101579|Foul-mouthed Cudder] and bring his [203689|Head] back to [112124|Los'hudanel]. \n\nRecommended for 3 players.
Sys421712_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere's no way they'll beat killing [101579|Foul-mouthed Cudder]. This time I've won for sure...