result count: 5

Sys421715_nameSecret Treasure Box
Sys421715_szquest_accept_detailI think it must be because I didn't give the [203629|Treasure Box] to the pirate in blue.\n\nFrom that day on, events were out of my control. Vivian Rhodes' death made my life a nightmare.\n\nSince I couldn't open the [203629|Treasure Box], in order to hide the evidence I buried it next to the biggest lake alongside the [ZONE_SANDSCORPION PLAINS|Sand Scorpion Plains] and fled.\n\nNow the truth has finally come out. I think this is surely divine intervention. Go! Dig up the [203629|Treasure Box] and bring it back to me!\n\nNot long ago I received an all purpose key from some traveling merchants. I believe it can open this treasure box. We can finally find out what Vivian Rhodes was trying to do..
Sys421715_szquest_complete_detailYou really got it! Ah I don't know where my courage came from that year. With tears in my eyes and drenched in insecticide I entered the [ZONE_SANDSCORPION PLAINS|Sand Scorpion Plains].\n\n([112159|Dessigon Diz] grabs a key and prepares to open the [203629|Treasure Box].)\n\nThat's strange? What's the matter? It won't open...\n\nDamn, if this is how it's going to be, I'll have to find a nearby craftsman to figure this out!
Sys421715_szquest_descGo to the shore of the biggest lake on the [ZONE_SANDSCORPION PLAINS|Sand Scorpion Plains] and dig up the [203629|Treasure Box] buried by [112159|Dessigon Diz] from a [112160|Raised Mound].
Sys421715_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease make sure to be careful.