result count: 5

Sys421716_nameYaniha Bimey, the Craftsman
Sys421716_szquest_accept_detailThe closest craftsman around, [112161|Yaniha Bimey] is near [ZONE_SEADOG GRAVEYARD|Sailors' Graveyard].\n\nI heard this craftsman is particularly eccentric. Although I don't really want to work with this sort of person, if we want to know what's inside the treasure box soon, we have to go to him.\n\nAlas, this is all I can do. In a few days I will have to leave this place along with my husband. I hope you can find Vivian Rhodes' whereabouts soon! Also, express my apologies to her for me.
Sys421716_szquest_complete_detailLock picking? Good, good! I'm the right person for all your lockpicking needs!\n\nBut if I help you pick a lock I will get something in return, right?\n\nHaha! I will pick the lock for you only if you will do something for me after.\n\nDon't worry! It's not hard at all.\n\n(You look at [112161|Yaniha Bimey]. He is smiling very strangely at you, but you finally nod in agreement.)\n\nThen hurry and give the [203629|Treasure Box] to me so I can take a look.
Sys421716_szquest_descBring the [203629|Treasure Box] to a house near [ZONE_SEADOG GRAVEYARD|Sailors' Graveyard] and look for a craftsman named [112161|Yaniha Bimey].
Sys421716_szquest_uncomplete_detailOh come on!