result count: 5

Sys421717_nameFantastic Material
Sys421717_szquest_accept_detailHmm It looks like a little [203630|Crabshell Powder] from [<S>100338|Red-speckled Crabs] will be required!\n\nCoarse [203630|Crabshell Powder] is helpful for filling gaps. Then you pour a little leather-curing powder on top and opening the treasure box will be a breeze!\n\nYou don't want to break such a pretty box right!\n\nHurry up and get some [203630|Crabshell Powder] from [<S>100338|Red-speckled Crabs]!
Sys421717_szquest_complete_detailWith some [203630|Crabshell Powder], I can help you open the treasure box right away!
Sys421717_szquest_descGet 10 portions of [203630|Crabshell Powder] from [<S>100338|Red-speckled Crabs] in [ZONE_SEADOG GRAVEYARD|Sailors' Graveyard].
Sys421717_szquest_uncomplete_detailThis treasure box is very pretty! Especially this gem. It reminds me of her eyes.\n\nI wonder how she is doing?