result count: 5

Sys421725_nameSweet Essence
Sys421725_szquest_accept_detailThe ecology research team has installed 3 Essence Dispensers along the [ZONE_SHACKLED COAST|Shackle Coast]. The [203634|Sweet Fragrance] in this equipment must be regularly replenished to calm the nerves of highly stressed Chelons in the area. \n\nThere is concern that increasingly stressed Chelons will start attacking outsiders, so we are seeking the assistance of courageous adventurers. \n\nTell me courageous adventurer, are you feeling particularly brave?\n\nIf your answer is yes, can I ask you to take three bottles of [203634|Sweet Fragrance] and refill 3 Essence Dispensers, [112143|Vaporizer Prototype], [112144|Kawanaar] and [112148|Starlight], located along the [ZONE_SHACKLED COAST|Shackle Coast]?
Sys421725_szquest_complete_detailThat's terrific!\n\nYour work is helping bring the Chelons back from the edge of extinction. Thanks for your help and for repairing those faulty dispensers. You're a very brave, kind-hearted adventurer.
Sys421725_szquest_descHelp [112142|Majoshat Oley] resupply the [203634|Sweet Fragrance] in 3 Essence Dispensers, [112143|Vaporizer Prototype], [112144|Kawanaar] and [112148|Starlight] located on the [ZONE_SHACKLED COAST|Shackle Coast].
Sys421725_szquest_uncomplete_detailCareful! The Chelons are very sensitive to outside activity in their territory at the moment.\n\nJust take 3 bottles of [203634|Sweet Fragrance] and refill [112143|Vaporizer Prototype], [112144|Kawanaar] and [112148|Starlight], which are located on the [ZONE_SHACKLED COAST|Shackle Coast]. \n\nRemember to move slowly to avoid stressing out the Chelons any further.