result count: 5

Sys421726_nameFaulty Equipment
Sys421726_szquest_accept_detailYou think [112148|Starlight] has broken down. There's no point in pouring [203634|Sweet Fragrance] into a broken device. \n\nYou think you should probably go back to the camp of the ecology research team and ask [112142|Majoshat Oley] about the best way to proceed...
Sys421726_szquest_complete_detailA vaporiser's busted? Is it the one closest to the mountainside?\n\nGeez Louise! Not the Starlight again! Like I always say, new versions are less stable!
Sys421726_szquest_descTell [112142|Majoshat Oley] in the ecology research team about the [112148|Starlight] breakdown.
Sys421726_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou think you should go back to the camp of the ecology research team and ask [112142|Majoshat Oley] what to do about the broken dispenser...