result count: 5

Sys421729_nameOld Lady Turtle
Sys421729_szquest_accept_detailHave you met [112138|Tooda], Old Lady Turtle? She's often found on the coast near the [112144|Kawanaar] looking out across the sea.\n\nI don't know much about her past, only that she was raised by Chelons and therefore doesn't speak very well. For the same reason she looks like a 70 year old woman even though she's only 40 or 50 years old!\nI want to lend [112138|Tooda] some books to help her reading and then ask you brave, kind-hearted adventurers to take her these books to help her practice her speaking. \n\nSo may I bother you to deliver this [203656|Candara Record - Book 7] to Old Lady Turtle [112138|Tooda]? Are you willing to help me and [112138|Tooda]?
Sys421729_szquest_complete_detailPlease!\nNew, book!\nThank, please, happy!
Sys421729_szquest_descHelp [112142|Majoshat Oley] by delivering [203656|Candara Record - Book 7] to Old Lady Turtle, [112138|Tooda], near [112144|Kawanaar]
Sys421729_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease!\n\nFind, please, busy?