result count: 5

Sys421740_nameEvery Picture Tells a Story
Sys421740_szquest_accept_detailThis really has me stumped! The [203692|Family Portrait] inside the [203694|Pocketwatch]! I just thought to give [112138|Tooda] a nice surprise. I never expected to find a clue to her past!\n\nBrave, kind-hearted adventurer, if you could... No, you're already involved.. You have a duty to help [112138|Tooda] find her family. At least that is my hope. I beg you, do not refuse!\n\nIf you agree, please take this picture and continue searching. If you need some leads, you already know innkeeper [112191|Nanum Alluya] in [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress]. He may give you some answers.
Sys421740_szquest_complete_detailBru ha ha! After pickling the [203691|Mutated Sand Scorpion's Pincers] in [203664|Lemon Vodka] it was even more delectable. Appendix 4 of the Ecology notebook recommended it, and waddyaknow, it worked!\n\nWho are you looking for this time? Come! Take out that [203692|Family Portrait] you speak of and give me a look!
Sys421740_szquest_descTravel to [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress], find innkeeper [112191|Nanum Alluya] and ask him about [112138|Tooda's] [203692|Family Portrait].
Sys421740_szquest_uncomplete_detailCome in, come in, come in! You name it, the Alluya Tavern has got it!\n\nAdventurer?! Bru ha ha! It's you again?! Just drink this time, yeah? Or here for more clues?!\n\nIf you want more clues, you know the drill - buy a bottle of [203664|Lemon Vodka] and we'll drink and chat.