result count: 5

Sys421748_nameDeciphering Witchcraft
Sys421748_szquest_accept_detail[<S>203642|Vulture Feathers], [203641|Heart of the Wolf King], [200333|Bitterleaf] sprout and lover's tears.\n\nSince [100350|Rotten-nose Porgy] cursed me, my arms and legs have been useless. I can only rely on my existing blacksmithing skills to manage to feed myself.\n\nI need your help. Bring me a [203641|Heart of the Wolf King] and 10 [<S>203642|Vulture Feathers].\n\nIt is a most formidable task for one to challenge [100332|Buriz] alone. But a group would find it a lot easier! I think you can get my meaning!\n\nAs for [200333|Bitterleaf] sprouts, I can get them!
Sys421748_szquest_complete_detailYou got these. We still need the lover's tears. \n\nLovers... this is the biggest test for me!\n\nAfter leaving her so long ago, will she forgive me?\n\nRight, boy. Go now! All that is left is a test of my courage.
Sys421748_szquest_descGo between [ZONE_SEADOG GRAVEYARD|Sailors' Graveyard] and [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] to get 10 [<S>203642|Feathers] off of [<S>100573|Four Winged Vultures] as well as get a [203641|Heart of the Wolf King] from a [100332|Buriz] and bring it all back to [112161|Yaniha Bimey] of [ZONE_SEADOG GRAVEYARD|Sailors' Graveyard].
Sys421748_szquest_uncomplete_detail(You turn around. [112161|Yaniha Bimey] is looking down mumbling.)\n\nLover's tears... Go back now. Will she forgive me?\n\nIn the days that I haven't been with her, [112139|Sonora] must have tried everything possible to make her forget me. After all, she has some special feelings for the one she cherishes.\n\nAhh... if it wasn't for the treasure and falling out with [100350|Rotten-nose Porgy] it wouldn't be like this now.\n\nAhh... I really don't have any confidence.