result count: 13

SC_421750_0Pannisa? Of course I know! It's just..
SC_421750_1Here is your compensation. Now please give me the relevant information.
SC_421750_2Hahahahahaha! That's good! Sure enough!\n\nI'll tell you then... Pannisa is in the Black Stone Caravan. And the Black Stone Caravan is currently near [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port]. If you want to find him, then you better head that way!\n\nI will give you some other information. Near the cliff at [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port] there is a small road to the port. Let's see, if you can find it.
SC_421750_3Oh! I get it!
SC_421750_4Pannisa? How much are you paying for the information?
SC_421750_5[203644|Red Pearl]? That's not a bad trade!\n\nPannisa was part of the Black Stone Caravan. How could I forget this person. \n\nHe was one of the leaders of Black Stone Caravan! \n\nHe was not very lucky though. He's been tricked in business before. \n\nOnce they were tricked and had their goods taken by an unscrupulous trader. It was all because of his bad luck.\n\nAfter that, the Black Stone Caravan changed their name to Black Blood Caravan and their behavior changed. \n\nThe Black Blood Caravan doesn't stand for any nonsense now!
SC_421750_6Pannisa? Where did you hear this name?
SC_421750_7I can't find my things. This has something to do with Pannisa. Please take this reward!
Sys421750_nameBuying Information
Sys421750_szquest_accept_detailIn the [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] there is a group of vagrants that call themselves the information kings. They specialize in providing intelligence to adventurers that pass by here. Although they charge an excessive fee, I think they will have the relevant information.\n\nI just happen to have 3 [<S>203644|Red Pearls] that are worth a pretty penny. You can use that to pay their fee.\n\nAlas, this is the last time I can help you. Soon I will leave this place along with my husband!\n\n([112159|Dessigon Diz] gazes at you then sighs.)\n\nVivian and the old lord have similar personalities - they stubbornly hold on to their beliefs! This is what put us in our current situation. I think Vivian Rhodes made plans ahead of time to elope and leave the manor!\n\nI hope you can find Vivian Rhodes and help resolve the conflict between her and the old lord. I wish you luck! I hope you find Vivian Rhodes soon!
Sys421750_szquest_complete_detail(You see [112155|Derek Ali] with pen and paper and decide to divulge part of the truth.)\n\nOh, then after Vivian Rhodes died of illness, her maid Laranus disappeared.\n\nRecently, a caravan turned up in [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port] and Pannisa's widow is known as [112139|Sonora].\n\nBefore I had my doubts, because [112139|Sonora] looked a lot like Laranus.\n\nConsidering your letter as well, hmm... I'm sure they must be the same person!\n\nHahaha! Originally, I didn't have a way to get close to [112139|Sonora]. I didn't think that an opportunity would appear now!\n\nIf you want to figure it all out, just follow my instructions!
Sys421750_szquest_descTrade the vagrants [112158|Serond], [112157|Kamir], [112155|Derek Ali] in [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] for information.