result count: 4

Sys421754_nameBlack Hunt Season
Sys421754_szquest_accept_detailMy name is [112298|Sally Iceberg] and I am a bard from the Black Codex. We are just gathering forces of brave adventurers.\n\nIt is [112285|Shems Bowen's] daring assumption, that the body parts of creatures with an enormous amount of energy should have some kind of fragmentary energy, too. According to evidence we recently found, there have been enormous fluctuations of energy in many places in the area of the [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes] and the [ZONE_DRAGONFANG RIDGE|Dragonfang Ridge]. This means that there must be creatures with an enormous amount of energy in those two areas. \n\nBrave adventurer. Should you be willing to help the Black Codex in the great task of gathering the body parts of these powerful creatures, we certainly will provide you with a suitable reward in exchange for your services.
Sys421754_szquest_complete_detailBrave adventurer!\n\nThanks for your consent to help us. I wish you a successful hunt. I will be waiting here for good news from you.
Sys421754_szquest_descHelp the Black Codex hunting the creatures with enormous energy in the [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes] and the [ZONE_DRAGONFANG RIDGE|Dragonfang Ridge]. Collect their body parts in order to exchange these against the reward.