result count: 5

Sys421759_nameScorpion Tail Venom
Sys421759_szquest_accept_detailRecently, a strange wind has been blowing through the Black Blood Merchants. It feels like a dangerous outpost.\n\nSo I had to take some precautionary measures to guard against a mutiny.\n\nI remember the [<S>100347|Mutated Sand Scorpions] on the [ZONE_SANDSCORPION PLAINS|Sand Scorpion Plains], with their sharp [<S>203695|Tails] full of venom. As it turns out, that kind of venom can be made into an ancient potion. With just a few additional ingredients, it can acquire a strange kind of power.\n\nGo find some for me.\n\nPlease remember to be stealthy, and in return I'll give you a huge reward!
Sys421759_szquest_complete_detailYes, these [<S>203695|Scorpion Tails] are enough for me to make the magic potion.
Sys421759_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_SANDSCORPION PLAINS|Sand Scorpion Plains] and collect 10 [<S>203695|Scorpion Tails] from the [<S>100347|Mutated Sand Scorpions], and give them to [112140|Rose Westwood] in [ZONE_THE NAMELESS PORT|Nameless Port].
Sys421759_szquest_uncomplete_detailGo quickly - the sooner you come back, the sooner I can stop worrying.