result count: 7

SC_421792_0Somewhere in the distance, pirates are crying for help: "How amazing! Is this fellow [101607|Black Swordsman]? Quick, tell everyone else! Hic!"
SC_421792_1Somewhere in the distance, pirates are hooting: "[101607|Black Swordsman]! Remember me! Next time, we'll kill you for sure!"
Sys421792_nameStolen Merchandise
Sys421792_szquest_accept_detailOh... need to purchase new materials and tools...\n\nConch shells, purple coral, iron sheets, copper ingots... oh...\n\nIt's really bad. Most of these things are easy to find, but these [<S>203706|Crystal Lenses] will be difficult. The merchant ship that used to make deliveries from Kolydia has been ransacked by the Shadowmoon Pirates. Now, even in a big city it might not be possible to find...\n\nOh... adventurer, do you know what I'm thinking?\n\nSince I can't buy [<S>203706|Crystal Lenses], why don't I simply give you the money and you go to [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove] and find 12 [<S>203706|Crystal Lenses]?
Sys421792_szquest_complete_detailHmm? So to say... you ran into [101607|Black Swordsman]?\n\nI'm so envious. I always hear people in camp talking about him, but have never had the chance to meet him myself!\n\nOh! This is the money for the lens.
Sys421792_szquest_descHelp [112168|Kabuki Tabuki] of [ZONE_DUST HOLD|Abandoned Fortress] go to [ZONE_SHADOWMOON COVE|Shadowmoon Cove] and get 12 [<S>203706|Crystal Lenses]
Sys421792_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou haven't collected them all yet? I still have time!\n\nBut why is [112213|Miffy Riley] so slow...