result count: 12

SC_421797_0Then I returned to [ZONE_JILTED TOWN|Ghost Town]...
SC_421797_1So you're this one's companion? Well, here you go!
SC_421797_2He's [101607|Black Swordsman]? And he's naked? We found this thug hiding out back and changing his clothes!
SC_421797_3Him! He must be the courageous-when-not-wearing-clothes type!
SC_421797_4Hey! I am too, but I have to see women before I become courageous!
SC_421797_5Ha ha ha!
SC_421797_6Okay then! He's just a thug. Go report to the boss, and then we'll have a drink!
Sys421797_szquest_accept_detailBut [101607|Black Swordsman] hopes... he told me he hopes someone can witness this battle...\n\nIf those Shadowmoon Pirates have any bad ideas... that person can also help...\n\nSo I hope... uh... I think you're a great adventurer, and you can definitely help [101607|Black Swordsman]!\n\n[101607|Black Swordsman] and the Shadowmoon Pirates have arranged to meet to do battle east of here, past the road to [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast], at the holey rock formation along the path to [ZONE_SHACKLED COAST|Shackle Coast].\n\nUh... the holey rock is a big rock circled like this, with a lot of holes that the wind blows through... Teacher said this is called... wind-eaten... like a wind-eaten circular rock...\n\nThis is [203720|Black Swordsman's Message Arrow]. Just take this to the holey rock... fire it at the wind-eaten circular rock, and [101607|Black Swordsman] and the Shadowmoon Pirates will know you've arrived, and they'll begin their battle...
Sys421797_szquest_complete_detailOh...\n\nYou've seen me... I'm so ashamed...\n\nActually... actually, [101607|Black Swordsman] disappeared before I was born. The [101607|Black Swordsman] who recently appeared was me in disguise...\n\n...
Sys421797_szquest_descTake the [203720|Black Swordsman's Message Arrow] to [ZONE_SHACKLED COAST|Shackle Coast] and fire it at the wind-eaten circular rock on the road to [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast].
Sys421797_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf [101607|Black Swordsman] is in danger... the rest is up to you!