result count: 5

Sys421802_nameThe Secret in the Treasure Box
Sys421802_szquest_accept_detailCurious - this treasure box contains a [203631|Letter]?\n\nIt's been a long time since I've come across anything this interesting.\n\nDon't you want to open the letter and take a look, kid? Maybe the location of the legendary treasure is written inside.
Sys421802_szquest_complete_detailVivian Rhodes? Then this treasure box is hers?\n\nYou say you're looking for Vivian Rhodes? Vivian Rhodes from [ZONE_FARCREST ESTATE|Calamus Manor]? Well, that's some information? \n\nKiddo, do you remember when we talked about the conditions? This treasure box is the price that is to be paid. You may leave now. \n\n(Although you didn't really understand, you agree to the conditions. You want to find Vivian Rhodes as quickly as possible.)
Sys421802_szquest_descTake the [203631|Letter] from [112161|Yaniha Bimey's] hand, and decipher it.
Sys421802_szquest_uncomplete_detailHey, do you want to tell me what the letter says?