result count: 18

SC_421841_0A voice comes from the box: "Careful! I heard voices! It seems those pirates have returned!"
SC_421841_1Quest Failed
SC_421841_10Boss, it's him! He's the one that the sword was stolen from!
SC_421841_11Come! Catch me if you can!
SC_421841_12Very good! I need you to vomit up everything you know! Chase me!
SC_421841_2Those useless fools have all run away!
SC_421841_3What is this? I was looking for [101607|Black Swordsman]! Who is this gossipy fool?
SC_421841_4Boss, that [101607|Black Swordsman] who's been hanging round lately is a fake...
SC_421841_5Shut your mouth!
SC_421841_6I recognize that sword - That's his sword! He's definitely hiding somewhere!
SC_421841_7However......this bait doesn't seem capable of catching the big fish I'm after.
SC_421841_8Quickly! Use the phase converter on yourself!
SC_421841_9Go now! Use a transport spell!
Sys421841_nameSaving Miffy
Sys421841_szquest_accept_detailA girl's voice comes from the wooden box:\n\nOkay, just wait till I rearrange myself here and you can rotate the box! This could take some time. Those pirates could come back any second... Will you be able to protect me?\n\nThat's it! After I get out we can go and look for my friend [112212|Big Dennis]! He's in [ZONE_JILTED TOWN|Ghost Town] to the north, looking after our research team's gear. When we find him, I'll ask him to see if we have anything to give you as a reward. I'm not someone to let a good deed go unrewarded!
Sys421841_szquest_complete_detailReally, I'm so grateful.\n\n[112213|Miffy Riley] is already safely back at the camp, but she found out I lied about that [101607|Black Swordsman] business... Haha... But she didn't seem angry... haha...\n\nI've learned something today... While my enemies are numerous and strong and I might be no [101607|Black Swordsman], I will still stand up to them to protect the things I cherish. \n\nMy thanks to you and not just for what you did for [112213|Miffy Riley].
Sys421841_szquest_descProtect the box containing [112213|Miffy Riley], then find [112212|Big Dennis] in [ZONE_JILTED TOWN|Ghost Town] to collect your reward. (Note: if you die or stray too far from the box you will fail the quest)
Sys421841_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat to do? Do the Shadowmoon pirates know that [101607|Black Swordsman] is an imposter? How come they still want to find [101607|Black Swordsman]...\n\nWhat to do? I've brought the research team into danger... And I've put [112213|Miffy Riley] into harm's way too...