result count: 7

SC_421904Let me ask, are there any unusual conditions concerning the Ice Dwarves?
SC_421904_1You mean the Ice Dwarves?\n\nThe Ice Dwarves are really somewhat strange lately. Although they are still vicious as usual, but their attacks on human kind don't show the same collective initiative as they used to do. There are now only a few scattered acts of aggression, well, it seems ... just like a troop that has lost its leader, their activities are in total disorder.\n\nThis is really a strange phenomenon. When [100816|Ayson] formerly died, the troops of the Dwarves were not in such a disorder. What happened?
Sys421904_nameMovement of the Dwarves
Sys421904_szquest_accept_detailYou tell me that these Ice Dwarves have found that leader [101586|Mula Nail] right away after their king [100816|Ayson] had died?\n\nThis is really strange. According to my research so far, the Ice Dwarves are not the kind of creature that will give their trust that easily to any leader. That's why I originally thought, that killing [100816|Ayson] would settle the conflict for the time being. But what we can see now just overthrows all the theories from my research so far.\n\nOkay, let's do it like this. While I am translating this notebook you could go on an errand for me. Go and ask [112328|Hezekiah Batten] for the newest movements of the ice dwarves. He usually can be found near the road toward the [ZONE_DGN_MULGRUM_RELIC|Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom] observing the Ice Dwarves. This will help me to draw more precise conclusions.
Sys421904_szquest_complete_detailAfter all, there was a turmoil among the Ice Dwarves due to the loss of their leader?\n\nWell, this proves that my research so far wasn't mistaken at all. After having read the notebook of [101586|Mula Nail], I came to see that there is some terrible conspiracy concealed behind the events. \n\nIn order to become the king of the dwarves [101586|Mula Nail] has started fairly early to deploy his influence. After the majority of the Ice Dwarves had already approved of him, [101586|Mula Nail] secretly loosened the cords on the lumber transport carriage of the Order of Dark Glory. The tumbling lumber crushed the former dwarf king, father of [100816|Ayson]. This way he also created the Ice Dwarves enmity towards humanity. [101586|Mula Nail] wanted to take advantage of the resulting turmoil and seize the throne. \n\nIndeed he was successful in doing so. Ey ... all this just because of his wild ambitions. So many ice dwarf and human beings have lost their lifes and homes...
Sys421904_szquest_descGo to the crossing of the road towards the [ZONE_DGN_MULGRUM_RELIC|Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom]. Nearby you will find [112328|Hezekiah Batten]. Ask him about the latest movements of the dwarves and report to [111121|Jacob].
Sys421904_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow can all this happen like that?