result count: 5

Sys422000_nameA Berhu Feast
Sys422000_szquest_accept_detailI followed the master here to study the delicacies of his cuisine, but I was chased by those beasts. I broke my leg as I was trying to escape, but I can't waste time because of this. If I don't make good use of my down time and study, Master will want my guts for garters.\n\nAdventurer, could you please go find some food items for me?\n\nI need 10 pieces of [203974|Berhu Belly Meat]. You can get them from those [<S>100354|Wild Berhus] to the south. Remember, only wild meat is suitable.
Sys422000_szquest_complete_detailOh, wonderful! With this meat, I can make the most delicious berhu feast.
Sys422000_szquest_descGet 10 pieces of [203974|Belly Meat] from the [<S>100354|Wild Berhus] and bring them back to [111249|Lik].
Sys422000_szquest_uncomplete_detailSeeing so many ingredients jumping around outside like that makes a chef so happy! If only I hadn't broken my leg...