result count: 5

Sys422038_nameYellow Magic Source
Sys422038_szquest_accept_detailNext, bring a [204050|Empty Magic Crystal] to the very top of [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind]. Collect the [204054|Yellow Magical Energy] from the [112423|Yellow Magic Source] and bring it back.\n\nYellow power is a speedy, sharp and chaotic power. After you get to [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind], be especially careful of the gargoyles influenced by this power.
Sys422038_szquest_complete_detailGreat. There is only one more magic power left to collect before we can carry out the ceremony to summon the "powerful" creature.
Sys422038_szquest_descBring a [204050|Empty Magic Crystal] to the very top of [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind], collect the [204054|Yellow Magical Energy] from the [112423|Yellow Magic Source] and bring it back to [112410|Tokamofi].
Sys422038_szquest_uncomplete_detail[204054|Yellow Magical Energy] is a mighty power that is exceedingly dangerous. If it weren't for the summoning ceremony, you really shouldn't go near it.