result count: 10

SC_422040I'm ready! Let's begin the summoning process together!
SC_422040_1Aisho, to longbak isdon, talon, tamo (curse)
SC_422040_2Accept my call! Come out!
SC_422040_3What?! What is this?
SC_422040_4This is the book's "powerful" animal?
Sys422040_nameSummon The Creature from the Dark
Sys422040_szquest_accept_detailI've already prepared for the summoning. If you're ready, let me know.
Sys422040_szquest_complete_detailThis is the "powerful" creature summoned from the darkness? We can't judge a book by its cover, but... gosh...
Sys422040_szquest_descTalk to [112410|Tokamofi] to carry out the summoning ceremony.
Sys422040_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre you ready? If you're ready, let me know. We can carry out the summoning together.