result count: 10

SC_422057Trouble...please save him! [112515|Tanad Laya] was targeted by a strange guy.
SC_422057_1Follow me. Over here!
SC_422057_2Please go check out the situation. I'll go find more help.
SC_422057_3I'm still alive! You saved me...thank you so much!
SC_422057_4Help...don't kill me! Don't kill me! I'll give you the water bone leaves...
Sys422057_nameSave the Villagers
Sys422057_szquest_accept_detailI've also heard that the Tiktaalik originally kept their distance from humans and were non-aggressive.\n\nThe reason for their sudden attacks on humans... To be honest, I'm not really certain. I only know that in their recent invasion of [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village], they looted materials and injured villagers.\n\nThe situation wasn't fully stabilized until Lieutenant [112508|Mavate Daviny] led us to be stationed at [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village]. [204417|Water Bone Leaf], an ingredient for a wound-healing ointment, is produced here. It's scarce and expensive, and seems to have been one of the main objectives of the Tiktaalik.\n\nSome of the villagers, seeing the crisis temporarily averted, started going to the guard lines to pick, causing some conflicts with the Tiktaalik. Our manpower shortage resulted in intermittent defenses.\n\nIf you're staying in [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village] a while, can I ask you to help save the villagers?
Sys422057_szquest_complete_detailYou did very well. Most adventurers aren't as courageous as you.
Sys422057_szquest_descHelp patrol the [204417|Water Bone Leaf] fields and save villagers under attack. After you're successful, report back to [112509|Loley Yingli].
Sys422057_szquest_uncomplete_detailSaving villagers all over the place is tiring for us, being under-staffed. Especially since they started going to the water bone leaf fields and picking [<S>204417|Water Bone Leaves] near the Tiktaalik location. That's really dangerous...