result count: 7

SC_422064Please use it near the Tiktaalik Ayal Clan.
SC_422064_1You sense that the [204136|Weeping Coast Soundgathering Conch] resonates with Tiktaalik sound waves...
Sys422064_szquest_accept_detailI knew it. I knew this was an incredibly serious situation. Is this the end of the world?\n\nThe world is coming to an end and the Tiktaaliks were the first to be affected which is why they started this craziness. Then what about humans?\n\nWe've better escape before it's too late!\n\nYou see, even [112512|Maybeli Mamila], who just likes to collect things, is taking action!\nThen what can I do...\n\nAccording to written records, the Tiktaaliks are a moderate race that keep their distance from other races. Now they've suddenly gone on the offensive against humans. Is this a sign?\n\nWill you take this [204136|Weeping Coast Soundgathering Conch] to the [ZONE_ANARO HAMLET|Ayal Clan] and stealthily record the soundwaves they make when speaking?
Sys422064_szquest_complete_detailThe soundwaves in this [204136|Weeping Coast Soundgathering Conch]...\n\nThey're saying... Attack... They said attack! I'm sure of it!\n\nWait... this is strange... he said "[112519|Guwa]"?\n\nWhat does this mean?\n\nAnd he also mentioned the [ZONE_ANARKA HAMLET|Ayak Clan]... Weren't you just at the [ZONE_ANARO HAMLET|Ayal Clan]?
Sys422064_szquest_descUse the [204136|Weeping Coast Soundgathering Conch] to collect the soundwaves of the Tiktaaliks in the [ZONE_ANARO HAMLET|Ayal Clan] and give it to [112513|Hasij Faylis].
Sys422064_szquest_uncomplete_detailCollect sounds from the [ZONE_ANARO HAMLET|Ayal Clan] so I can listen. But, if there is really something strange going on, will I be able to sound it out?