result count: 5

Sys422072_nameProof of Power
Sys422072_szquest_accept_detailGood human, thank you!\n\nBad things... bully... us...\n\nBully, kolu...\n\nYou... strong, help us.\n\nOld priest... want, strong! You want, beat, chief.\n\nAyal... chief!\n\nTake... treasure, shell, back.
Sys422072_szquest_complete_detailYou, strong... first, success.
Sys422072_szquest_descBeat the chief of the [ZONE_ANARO HAMLET|Ayal Clan] to obtain the [204113|Chief's Treasure] shell and bring it back to [112519|Guwa] to prove your power.
Sys422072_szquest_uncomplete_detailBeat... Ayal, chief, get shell.