result count: 9

SC_422128Where did you come from?
SC_422128_1Why am I here? ...It's been so long, let me think...Ah, I remember. It was hundreds or thousands of years ago. Was it hundreds or thousands? Ha, it's not important. For an Ent who can live thousands of years, time has no meaning.\n\nAt the time, I was like other Ents, living in a very distant forest. Ent life was very simple: soaking up the sun, enjoying the breeze, taking care of the forest trees, and turning our appreciation of natural beauty into poetry... Ah, I'm inspired again. Let me write a poem for you.\n\n"Gentle breeze blowing through the vines, whispering in my ear..."
SC_422128_2I don't want to interrupt to you, but I still don't know how you got here.
SC_422128_3Patience, child. If you carefully examine your surroundings, paying close attention to subtle changes in the natural world, you will soon understand how I came to arrive at this place. \n\nAh, yes. Just as the butterfly always knows where to find nectar and the bird takes refuge on an Ent's brow and not a human, the reasoning is the same - humans only ever see things that can benefit them in some way.
Sys422128_nameSong of the Forest
Sys422128_szquest_accept_detailHuh? A Human? A Human who takes notice of the Ents? And willing to talk to the Ents too? Oh, how wonderful!\n\nYou must be wondering why I have appeared here. In fact, I am wondering the same about you. A Human who is willing to talk with the Ents? Hahaha... This is truly wonderful. Fantastic! Almost discovering that you can talk to an Ent! I am correct, then, in surmising that you feel as I do - that you are happy about discovering such a strange thing, yes?\n\nThe Humans have been coming here in droves recently. However, they just pass me by, too occupied with other things to notice. To them, I don't even exist. Humans tend to be busy like that - so busy that they don't notice things right beside them, even though those things may be very obvious. This is why they often see things and don't believe them.\n\nWould you like to talk with me some more? Do you want to hear the wisdom of an Ent who has been around for thousands of years, or do you have things to busy yourself with as well?
Sys422128_szquest_complete_detailCalm down, and slow your pace. Yes...that's it... Breathe deeply. Then you can gradually feel everything around you changing...
Sys422128_szquest_descTalk to [112507|Yilian Zashu], the strange Ent.
Sys422128_szquest_uncomplete_detailHumans' actions are so strange. For the sake of making their lives simple and peaceful, they are always occupying themselves with so many things. Afterward, having forgotten their original purpose, they end up leading very frustrating and restless lives...