result count: 23

SC_422129You found me! Let's play a game! Let's play hide and seek! You're a ghost! Come and catch me! When you find me I get to ask you a question. If you get it wrong I get to run and hide again and you have to keep being a ghost...\n\nThe first question is: I am a creature who lives on land and in the sea. I eat fish, catch fish and look like a fish. What am I?
SC_422129_1I think the answer is: [101765|Water Elemental]
SC_422129_10I think the answer is: [112501|Water Bone Leaf]
SC_422129_11I think the answer is: [200345|Moon Orchid]
SC_422129_12(You find that [112524|Entling] doesn't really want to play anymore.)
SC_422129_13What's wrong, [112524|Entling]? Let's play another game!
SC_422129_14Can't you see I'm thinking about something? Now you broke my chain of thought! How annoying!
SC_422129_15Wow! You're really strong. You really hurt me. But what's wrong with me? Why did I get so angry?
SC_422129_16I lost the [204132|Praise of an Entling]. Can you get me another one?
SC_422129_17Someone like you who cares about nature can get a new [204132|Praise of an Entling] anytime.
SC_422129_2I think the answer is: [100147|Newt]
SC_422129_3I think the answer is: Tiktaalik
SC_422129_5It's obvious you don't really appreciate the wonders of nature. Look at the changes occurring around you...
SC_422129_6Wrong! You have to keep being the ghost and I get to run and hide! When you think of the answer come and catch me...
SC_422129_7Well done! You got it right! You really are worthy of the Ents... Let's keep playing. I'm going to run and hide!
SC_422129_8You found me! Let's play a game! Let's play hide and seek! You're a ghost! Come and catch me! When you find me I get to ask you a question. If you get it wrong I get to run and hide again and you have to keep being a ghost...\n\nThe second question is: I'm a plant, red and green, green and red. The redder it is, the better it heals. What am I?
SC_422129_9I think the answer is: [200335|Mountain Demon Grass]
Sys422129_nameHappiness of the Ents
Sys422129_szquest_accept_detailCarefully observe the environment of this world and the mysteries of its living things. If you can separate from your own spirit, then you can easily learn of [112524|Entling] by sitting under a tree. Those beloved children of mine have inherited a perfect measure of the Ent nature. They love to play in the forest.\n\nGo. Find my children, and enjoy the beauty of nature with them. Once they have accepted you as a playmate, they won't begrudge you their praise. Their personalities are harmonious, and they are happy to be close to those who are pure of heart.\n\nExperience the beauty in the [204132|Praise of an Entling]. I will wait here for you to return and share the joy of wisdom.
Sys422129_szquest_complete_detailYou say my beloved children have attacked you?\n\nLet me think... Being as lovable and peaceful as they are, how could they suddenly attack someone? What could have caused this? I will have to think on it very carefully...
Sys422129_szquest_descLook for traces of [<S>112524|Entlings] under any trees or other plants in the vicinity of the [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WATER|Throne of the Water]. When you have collected 3 [<S>204132|Praises of an Entling], come back and tell [112507|Yilian Zashu] what you have found.
Sys422129_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you cannot find those [<S>112524|Entlings], it must be because you still have not separated your spirit from your body and melded it into the environment. Only this way can you find them.