result count: 5

Sys422131_nameGoing to the Tiktaalik Village
Sys422131_szquest_accept_detailI honestly fear for her safety. When she was about to leave for the Tiktaalik village, I tried to coerce her not to go, and we had a bit of an altercation. Well, okay, it wasn't just an altercation. She slapped me in the face with her branches, and it hurt!\n\nAfter that, she wouldn't talk to me at all, and she was still angry when she left. She felt that we should not ignore our friends who are in peril, but what if those Tiktaalik are acting in this manner simply because their hearts have become fierce and violent like this? I only discouraged her because I feared for her life...\n\nSo, in short, I don't want [112523|Ayjilin Shiang] to give me the silent treatment for two or three hundred years. To avoid getting lashed with her branches again, I think it would be better to have you go to the [ZONE_ANARMO HAMLET|Ayam Clan] for me and find her. See if she needs any help with anything. This way, she can't say that I am ignoring the Tiktaalik. he wouldn't come himself?\n\nThe Tiktaalik and the Ents were once very intimate friends. There must be a reason for them to suddenly be inciting so much chaos.\n\nI am only angry about [112507|Yilian Zashu's] isolationist attitude. If he had only taken action earlier, I wouldn't have stopped talking to him.
Sys422131_szquest_descFind [112523|Ayjilin Shiang] in the vicinity of the [ZONE_ANARMO HAMLET|Ayam Clan].
Sys422131_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat are the Tiktaalik really like? Why won't you let me get close to them?