result count: 5

Sys422132_nameEnt Concerns
Sys422132_szquest_accept_detailYou have a [204132|Praise of an Entling] there. It seems you have gotten to play with my children too, and learned to appreciate the beauty of nature.\n\nOne like you, who can witness the mysteries of nature, could definitely come to understand the real cause of the Tiktaalik actions, and that they are not rooted in Tiktaalik nature. Though I would like to have closer contact with the Tiktaalik and come to understand why they have undergone this change, I can never get close to them. As soon as they see anyone else, the Tiktaalik immediately attack. It's been very frustrating for me.\n\nSo I must ask you, Adventurer, to take this [204139|Ring] and go to the [ZONE_ANARMO HAMLET|Ayam Clan]. Try to find their priestess [112531|Sata] - she's a friend of mine - and ask her what the problem is with the Tiktaalik.\n\nSeeing this [204139|Ring], [112531|Sata] will understand that you are my friend. I truly hope that [112531|Sata], being a peaceful soul, be just as friendly and personable as she was in old times.
Sys422132_szquest_complete_detail([112531|Sata] sees that you are carrying the [204139|Shiang's Ring], and she is immediately excited.)
Sys422132_szquest_descCarrying [204139|Shiang's Ring] find a way into the [ZONE_ANARMO HAMLET|Ayam Clan] and contact [112531|Sata], the Tiktaalik priestess.
Sys422132_szquest_uncomplete_detail([112531|Sata], seeing you, bares her teeth and her claws, saying something in the Tiktaalik tongue.)