result count: 4

Sys422134_nameTreasure of the Tiktaalik
Sys422134_szquest_accept_detailIn the Tiktaalik tongue, "Kolu" means "Sound Shell."\n\nThe Sound Shell is an artifact that was given to the Tiktaalik a thousand years ago by the King of the Water whom the Tiktaalik and the Ents serve. Ever since, they have regarded it as the most precious of treasures. The Sound Shell, to the Tiktaalik, is an incarnation of the King of the Water. By repeating "Sound Shell" in this way, could [112531|Sata] mean that something has happened to the Sound Shell?\n\nAdventurer, please take this news to [112507|Yilian Zashu] at the [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WATER|Throne of the Water]. He should be able to find news of the Sound Shell. I can't force you to take the risk of going into the Tiktaalik village again.
Sys422134_szquest_complete_detail[112523|Ayjilin Shiang] says that something may have happened to the Tiktaalik's Sound Shell. Could that be causing them to attack other living things in this manner?
Sys422134_szquest_descTell [112507|Yilian Zashu] this news of the Sound Shell's possible misfortune.