result count: 17

SC_422145A Dwarf in the ruins gave me this stack of papers. Can you translate it?
SC_422145_1Ice Dwarves! Really?\n\n([111121|Jacob] excitedly studies the paper you have brought.)\n\nWhat did you come across in [ZONE_DGN_MULGRUM_RELIC|Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom]? Tell me all of the details!\n\nLet me translate this first. Wait a bit.
SC_422145_10So this was the real story all along...
SC_422145_11This [204653|Content Description] is how I understand it. Take it and read it.
SC_422145_2Okay, I have translated it all. This is what suddenly happened in the ruins...\nHe would like to ask you to defeat [101584|Thynos], the Fire Giant...
SC_422145_3Take the [204538|Translated Ice Dwarf Writing] and the [204653|Content Description] with you and go look before it's too late.
SC_422145_4Now, the Ice Dwarves face the same peril as their ancestors. It seems that the Earth Giant is the Ice Dwarves' protector, standing in the way of the Fire Giant. However, I still am not sure why the Earth Giant would be willing to protect them so. Perhaps the Ice Dwarves really are some sort of Earth Spirits...or maybe there is some other reason.\n\n[111136|Marl's] concern is merited. At the moment, it seems that the Earth Giant's power is equally matched with that of the Fire Giant. But what would happen should both giants lose control and emerge from the ruins? Such a struggle would be disastrous for both Humans and Dwarves. Please, go defeat [101584|Thynos], the Fire Giant.
SC_422145_5If you should lose your [204538|Translated Ice Dwarf Writing], come back and get another from me.
SC_422145_6I accidentally lost my [204538|Translated Ice Dwarf Writing]. Could you give me another?
SC_422145_7Take it. I have a spare.
SC_422145_8Did [112769|Johnny Bang] give you the [112789|Image Recorder]?\nI sent him to the gate at [ZONE_DGN_MULGRUM_RELIC|Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom] to wait for you.
SC_422145_9Please be sure to use the [112789|Image Recorder] to record [101268|Pangkor] the Earth Giant's appearance. I would like to save it for future study.
Sys422145_nameCommunication Barrier
Sys422145_szquest_accept_detail(The Ice Dwarf in front of you starts gesturing with his hands and feet. After a time he realizes he's not getting through to you so he hands you a piece of paper. He's clearly hoping that you can read it.)
Sys422145_szquest_complete_detail(The Ice Dwarf ahead sees you return with the paper still in hand. In addition to his own handwriting there are other marks on the paper which he does not recognize.)
Sys422145_szquest_descFind someone who understands Dwarvish to translate the paper's contents. Then give the translation to [112804|Troubled Ice Dwarf] in the [ZONE_DGN_MULGRUM_RELIC|Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom].\n([111121|Jacob], the biologist, can decipher it.)
Sys422145_szquest_uncomplete_detail(The Ice Dwarf in front of you points at the paper he gave to you. If you can understand the paper's contents that should help you to communicate.)