result count: 5

Sys422153_nameInstrument Construction - Saxophone
Sys422153_szquest_accept_detailThe saxophone has characteristics of both woodwind and brass instruments. On one end is a mouthpiece with a single reed, on the other a bell-shaped brass tube. It is extremely responsive and can generate loud and powerful notes. Its sound is full-bodied, and a range of sounds can be produced by varying the shape of one's lips. The saxophone is a flexible instrument with few restrictions.\n\nTo thank you for accepting this quest, I will give you a <CP>Prototype of a Saxophone</CP> as a present, which was previously created by a magical melody. If you succeed in learning to perform on the saxophone, it will <CS>lower the damage</CS> of targets in range.
Sys422153_szquest_complete_detailI really wouldn't have thought that you would succeed in collecting all the materials to make the saxophone. All the time I didn't believe that I would ever hear these heavenly sounds. All of a sudden, i am filled with joy. Adventurer, you have to accept this as your deserved reward.
Sys422153_szquest_descCollect the following, which are made by processing special raw materials from [ZONE_RAVENFELL|Ravenfell] and the [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands]: [202579|Mithril Ingot] and [202578|Mysticite Ingot]. You also need [<S>204527|Mist Emeralds] from the [ZONE_DGN_WRETCHED_GROTTO|Barren Caves], [<S>204529|Hormone Crystals] from the [ZONE_DGN_RELIQUARY_OF_REFLECTIONS|Necropolis of Mirrors] and some [<S>204531|Magic Hormones] from monsters in the [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes] and [ZONE_SILVERSPRING|Silverspring].
Sys422153_szquest_uncomplete_detailAdventurer, what difficulties did you encounter? Life is a series of breakthroughs, and I believe that you are perfectly up to this challenge.