result count: 5

Sys422352_nameFriendly Response
Sys422352_szquest_accept_detailHuman, me, [112517|Jiatu], being my peoples' foremost priest, have agreed to respond to your letter of alliance.\n\nHence I agree to the covenant, and will assist you in entering our most important holy place, the [ZONE_DGN_ECHOES_OF_THE_SEA|Heart of the Ocean]. To show my peoples' sincerity, after you've accepted the baptism of the King of the Water, please take this [204851|Shell] bearing my seal to that man.\n\nThis [204851|Shell] is like the [204850|Weeping Coast Recording Conch] you brought. Sounds can be stored inside it, and I've recorded my response in it.\n\nJust as I understand that man's mind, I believe he will understand what this [204851|Shell] represents.
Sys422352_szquest_complete_detail([112508|Mavate Daviny] carefully inspects the [204851|Shell] and puts it to his ear.)\n\nYes...good news. [112517|Jiatu] used human language to record his response in this [204851|Shell], telling us how to enter the [ZONE_DGN_ECHOES_OF_THE_SEA|Heart of the Ocean].\n\nIt looks like it won't be easy. I need to summon more adventurers and soldiers!\n\nOur first order of business is to enter the [ZONE_DGN_ECHOES_OF_THE_SEA|Heart of the Ocean], take care of the Naga, and resolve this crisis.
Sys422352_szquest_descHelp [112517|Jiatu] deliver the [204851|Shell] to [112508|Mavate Daviny] in the [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village].
Sys422352_szquest_uncomplete_detailSo we meet again, [$PLAYERNAME]!\n\nWhat is [112517|Jiatu's] response?