result count: 5

Sys422412_nameStrong Resistance
Sys422412_szquest_accept_detail([113082|Jilo Anta] sizes you up)\n\nA veteran adventurer, huh? We Ailic's Researchers aren't fighting experts, but we have some tricks that are effective against most creatures. These Rune Guardians, though, aren't buying it. So to be honest, we're not losing gracefully.\n\nSo, are you willing to test these Rune Guardians? See how they fare against an expert like yourself? Take this [204893|Measurement Equipment]. It will record your fights with them.\n\nThere are a lot of [<S>102132|Holy Rune Priests], [<S>102129|Black Core Guardians], and [<S>102136|Deadly Poison Crystals] outside. You can fight each of them a few times, then bring the [204893|Measurement Equipment] back to me. Good luck!
Sys422412_szquest_complete_detailOh, my God! You're ferocious! Your score almost broke the meter!\n\ seems that only the bodies of those guards were destroyed. My records show that their energy was recycled, and unless I'm mistaken, they've already been reborn.
Sys422412_szquest_descDefeat a [102132|Holy Rune Priest], a [102129|Black Core Guardian], and a [102136|Deadly Poison Crystal], then take the [204893|Measurement Equipment] back to [113082|Jilo Anta].
Sys422412_szquest_uncomplete_detailAfter you bring back the score, we'll start another discussion.