result count: 4

Sys422413_nameMessage Delivery
Sys422413_szquest_accept_detailIf "it" can continuously recycle energy, I'm afraid we'll have to kill them for a hundred years. With our current manpower and allocated resources, we can't bring down this defense system.\n\nWe need to get this message to the Captain right away...Our Captain is at the [SC_206_GOTO_PP4|Rear Base Camp of the Guards' Corridor], and his name is [113085|Tiwo Sabya]. Can you go yourself?\n\nI would normally just send it on paper but I think he might have some questions for you, so I'm asking you to go. [113051|Ailic's Aide] is right there. Just tell him and he'll transport you to where the Captain is.
Sys422413_szquest_complete_detailI understand what you mean. In fact, my recent research points to the same conclusion.\n\nBased on our current situation, we don't have any other way to deal with the defense system.
Sys422413_szquest_descFind [113085|Tiwo Sabya] at the [SC_206_GOTO_PP4|Rear Base Camp of the Guards' Corridor] and tell him the situation.