result count: 8

SC_422529_0... "Excuse me," what ingredients are required to make a transformation potion...
SC_422529_1There are three key ingredients!\n\nThe first is a [205636|Mud Lord's Saliva-Covered Beard].\n\nThe second is [205537|River Monster Chopped Meat].\n\nThe third is a [205540|Wild Lakoso Tear].\n\nAre such concise instructions hard to come by? Don't adore me. My fans already include humans, balloon monsters and insects. There are also some birds that admire my ability to fly and speak...\n\nAlso, I placed all the interchangeable materials together in one place. Can you feel how considerate I am?\n\nThat's why everybody looks so eager when they see me, so excited that they can't speak. So I say... it's hard being so well-loved... You wouldn't understand...
SC_422529_2...I know what ingredients are needed.
Sys422529_nameOnly I Am Great
Sys422529_szquest_accept_detailVillain! Let me go!\nMy master is looking for master, who gives me food, drink, shelter, and all that I desire...\n\nYou want to ask me about the [205426|Miraculous Transformation Mud]?\n\nBy my leaves, I swear you had better let me go or else!\nOkay, let's settle it this way...\n\nIf you want make [205654|Miraculous Transformation Mud] to transform into a Red Goblin, the necessary materials are different from what you would need to transform into a Bodo. But you should know...if you really want to transform into a Red Goblin...there must be something wrong with your brain!\n\nOkay, listen! If you think you can hit me, I'll find a way to escape. And if I don't manage to escape, then I won't tell you anything, and you will regret it for the rest of your life!\n\nOh, you're so good and obedient... Okay, prick up your ears and slowly, carefully, assiduously, seriously listen to what I have to say... I promise that, if you do exactly as I say, you will have the perfect disguise...\n\nFirst and foremost, when you ask something, you should politely say "please"...
Sys422529_szquest_complete_detailIt's all so simple and easy. The sooner you get it done, the sooner I can go free. Oh...I can't wait to breathe free air again...
Sys422529_szquest_descListen to [205535|Goldie] as he tells you how to make [205654|Miraculous Transformation Mud].
Sys422529_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf you don't want to hear how to do this, then hurry and let me go. I hate dealing with brutes...