result count: 8

SC_422532_0You need a [205538|River Monster Tooth].
SC_422532_1You need [205537|River Monster Chopped Meat].
SC_422532_2You pierce the [205537|River Monster Chopped Meat] with a [205538|River Monster Tooth].
Sys422532_nameMeaty Tooth of the River Fish Monster
Sys422532_szquest_accept_detailOf the three ingredients, the [205539|River Monster Tooth that Pierced Chopped Meat] sounds like the most normal.\n\nI'm afraid your faculty for understanding is insufficient. You haven't listened carefully to what I've said. It's a "meaty" tooth. Don't think that you can just pull out a [205538|River Monster Tooth] and that will be it. When you pull out the tooth, you need to get some meat with it. You have to pierce the [205537|River Monster Chopped Meat] with the tooth, only then is it a "[205539|River Monster Tooth that Pierced Chopped Meat]."\n\ explanation is really very simple. Any living thing would understand me.\n\nActually, seeing the [<S>102250|River Monsters], I tend to get a bit worried...what if I were to lose control of my appetite...and my stomach were to get as big as his? The [<S>102248|Wild Alligator Turtles] look even scarier. If I ever got to be like that, I would feel very bad for my poor admirers...\nHey...are you listening?\n\nWhy do you not seem to care about my worries?!\n\nHey! Why is it that all the folks I meet are like this? They only care about what they want to do!\nWell, go then. Get the [205539|River Monster Tooth that Pierced Chopped Meat] and bring it back here. Then my freedom will be a bit closer at least...
Sys422532_szquest_complete_detailIs this the [205539|River Monster Tooth that Pierced Chopped Meat]?\n\nIt doesn't look too daunting. It's only that big...
Sys422532_szquest_descGet the [205537|River Monster Chopped Meat] and [205538|River Monster Tooth]. Once you've put them together to make a [205539|River Monster Tooth that Pierced Chopped Meat], give it to [205535|Goldie].
Sys422532_szquest_uncomplete_detailDidn't you hear me? Take the [205538|River Monster Tooth] and run it through the [205537|River Monster Chopped Meat], and that is a [205539|River Monster Tooth that Pierced Chopped Meat].\n\n[<S>102250|River Monsters], tooth, meat...I'm all mixed up now...just as long as you heard me correctly...