result count: 4

Sys422543_nameVaranas in Danger
Sys422543_szquest_accept_detailAdventurer, [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] is facing a menace that we've never seen before.\n\n[113350|Julius Lifay], captain of our guard, is fighting a nightmare created by our enemy. If his mind is destroyed by the nightmare, it will result in an irreversible tragedy.\n\nNow, although we've already found a way to enter his Dreamland, we still need a powerful and courageous person to go in and help him.\n\nIf you agree to help us, I hope you can go to [ZONE_VARANAS WEST WING|Lower City West]. Director [113351|Naya Shupulo] is in the guard camp there watching over [113350|Julius Lifay]. She'll tell you the details.
Sys422543_szquest_complete_detailI've heard your name, adventurer.\n\nLooks like you already know what's going on, so let me tell you what we have to do about it!
Sys422543_szquest_descGo to the guard camp in [ZONE_VARANAS WEST WING|Lower City West] and talk to [113351|Naya Shupulo].