result count: 5

Sys422668_nameSword Punisher
Sys422668_szquest_accept_detailI've heard of the sword. [102421|Andriol] carries it. Not long ago, several Zurhidon tried to take the [205767|Legendary Sword] from [102421|Andriol]. [102421|Andriol] was too powerful and drove them away.\n\nBut whatever we do, we can't allow this success to lower our guard. The Zurhidon have already gone for reinforcements, and although the [102421|Andriol] didn't let them take the sword, it took serious damage. This might be our only chance before they come back to grab the [205767|Legendary Sword] and give it to the registrar [110243|Marisus].
Sys422668_szquest_complete_detailFantastic! This is the [205767|Legendary Sword], no mistake...\n\n(As [110243|Marisus] looks at the sword, his eyes sparkle and shimmer.)\n\nDon't think for a minute that just because it has lain undisturbed for a thousand years and is covered in dust that this is any ordinary sword. The demonic, blood thirsty strength it once held have been wiped out by the Guardians and it has become the Eulogy of Wind again, but its power should not be underestimated.
Sys422668_szquest_descTake the [205767|Legendary Sword] from [102421|Andriol] before the Zurhidon do, and give it to the Eye of Wisdom registrar [110243|Marisus].
Sys422668_szquest_uncomplete_detail[205767|Legendary Sword]...[205767|Legendary Sword]...must never fall into the hands of the Zurhidon!