result count: 5

Sys422674_nameManaging Provisions
Sys422674_szquest_accept_detailIf you agree to join us for our future operations, just go look for us at the camp in [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill]. Commander [113455|Apat] and I would certainly welcome an adventurer like you to join us.\n\nOur future operations will get more and more dangerous. Please carefully consider this. If you agree to join us, bring something to eat from the [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Dead Tree Plains] while you're at it! They say that [<S>205902|Deadwood Hunter Meat] can almost be considered tasty. After we've eaten all the provisions we've brought with us, perhaps this will prove to be a decent staple food for us.
Sys422674_szquest_complete_detailI heard about some of your feats from [113453|Lordelain]. It would be a great help to us to have you join us.
Sys422674_szquest_descGet 10 pieces of [<S>205902|Deadwood Hunter Meat] from [<S>102498|Deadwood Hunters] in the [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Dead Tree Plains], then see Commander [113455|Apat] in the commando camp near [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill].
Sys422674_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere isn't much time. We must complete more of our battle preparations before the Naga realize we can freely pass through the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier].