result count: 6

SC_422675The [113457|Discarded Weapon] turns to dust at your touch...
Sys422675_nameUsable Supplies
Sys422675_szquest_accept_detailNow that supplies can't be brought up from the rear easily, we'll have to live off the land to allow the commandos to continue operating.\n\nThere are lots of [<S>113457|Discarded Weapons] scattered about in this wasteland. These are very valuable for us! If you agree to join our operation, go collect 12 [<S>205903|Discarded Weapons] and bring them to Commander [113455|Apat] in the camp on [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill]. He'll tell you the next step of the plan.
Sys422675_szquest_complete_detailI was always confused why there were so many weapons scattered about in the vicinity of the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier]. These look a lot like Naga weapons, like the Naga were once defeated in this place....
Sys422675_szquest_descCollect 12 [<S>205903|Discarded Weapons] from the [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Dead Tree Plains] and bring them to Commanding Officer [113455|Apat] in the camp on [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill].
Sys422675_szquest_uncomplete_detailThere isn't much time. We must complete more of our battle preparations before the Naga realize we can freely pass the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier].