result count: 4

Sys422677_nameHelp Captain Yashina
Sys422677_szquest_accept_detailGo forward from here. Follow the road that surrounds [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] to reach the [ZONE_NAGA SUPPLY LINE|Naga Supply Line]. It isn't really far.\n\nBut besides the occasional [102650|Naga Scout] on the road, you must also watch out for the giant Demon Soldier. It makes people tremble with fear. It looks like it certainly isn't something that could be easily defeated by our combined powers!\n\nMake sure not to be seen by that patrolling Demon Soldier! I wish you luck!
Sys422677_szquest_complete_detailDid you come to the wrong place? This doesn't look like it's a tourist attraction...\n\nOr could it be...[113455|Apat] again? He's always sending people here. He still meddles in other people's affairs.\n\nOK. I don't have any reason to object to people sent here. It wouldn't hurt to let you try.\n\nI'll see how long you can last in this perilous, difficult environment, [$PLAYERNAME].
Sys422677_szquest_descGo to the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation] and contact the scouts' captain, [113458|Yashina].